“8 Keys to Breakthrough-Victory in Your Marriage”
This video course includes 9 sessions of approximately 50-minute teachings by Joe and Stephanie DeMott to be a blessing to married couples. You can implement it in your church, or in homes, or both! The video course can be used in small groups, large groups, training centers, or just for individual couples. The course includes interactive exercises for the couples in each lesson. To learn more, please click to watch the video here.
Purchase Course Here
Joe and Stephanie have written a marriage course called 8 Keys to Breakthrough-Victory in Your Marriage. This course can be taught by Joe and Stephanie as a blessing to your couples or they can show you how to implement it in your church, or both!
8 Keys is our marriage course designed to be used in homes, churches, small groups, large groups, training centers, or just for individual couples. It has been translated into the following languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Urdu, Amharic, Russian, French, Chichewa, Telugu, and Romanian, German, Tamil and Swahili . A video course and premarital addendum are coming soon! Our lessons include: Introduction: The Journey Ahead
Here are some other resources written by Joe and Stephanie.
I have known Joe and Stephanie for more than twenty years, and have ministered in marriage conferences several times with them. Their testimony of marriage restoration against all odds is extremely powerful and refreshing. In the current divorce culture, it is very encouraging to read a story of God’s redemption for a marriage that no one thought could be healed.
If you are struggling in your marriage, this book will greatly encourage you and embolden your faith in the living God to supernaturally heal your marriage just as He did for Joe and Stephanie. However, I encourage you not to only think of yourself, but to always have on hand several copies of the DeMott’s book, Redemption, to give to other couples in need.
Craig Hill
Founder - Family Foundations International
If you are struggling in your marriage, this book will greatly encourage you and embolden your faith in the living God to supernaturally heal your marriage just as He did for Joe and Stephanie. However, I encourage you not to only think of yourself, but to always have on hand several copies of the DeMott’s book, Redemption, to give to other couples in need.
Craig Hill
Founder - Family Foundations International
Joe and Stephanie have condensed in this booklet the miraculous healing of their lives, marriage and family. This miraculous bending, blending and restoring of their lives, marriage and family has given hope to many as a result of their travels worldwide. Their transparency of the process of their own healing, through God’s grace by faith in His word has given birth to hope in the hearts and lives of many over the years who have seen similar miracles in their lives, marriages homes and families. Their prayer and ours is that the Lord may be pleased to use their testimony to spark the same hope, faith and healing in the hearts of many that, “with God nothing shall be impossible”!
Lou Montecalvo
Founding and Overseeing Pastor of Redeemer Ministries
Lou Montecalvo
Founding and Overseeing Pastor of Redeemer Ministries
We met Joe and Stephanie DeMott several years ago in conjunction with ministry efforts of one of the ministries with which we cooperate. Although each restored couple’s restoration story is unique we found that our journeys to restoration and healing were similar in many ways. We have spent a lot of time on several occasions “comparing notes” and praising God for what He has done in all of our lives and especially for our marriage restorations.
Joe and Stephanie have a compelling testimony of what God can accomplish in a devastated marriage if either the husband or wife will choose to believe in and hold fast to their covenant marriage vows. Their commitment to marriage healing and restoration for not only themselves but all marriages that they can touch is a calling from God. They are truly missionaries to marriages around the world.
Don’t read their story just as one of how badly two people can treat each other in the midst of marital strife. Instead read it for the glory they give God for His protection, guidance and safe keeping on their journey back from the brink.
Rex and Carolyn Johnson
Covenant Keepers Inc.
Joe and Stephanie have a compelling testimony of what God can accomplish in a devastated marriage if either the husband or wife will choose to believe in and hold fast to their covenant marriage vows. Their commitment to marriage healing and restoration for not only themselves but all marriages that they can touch is a calling from God. They are truly missionaries to marriages around the world.
Don’t read their story just as one of how badly two people can treat each other in the midst of marital strife. Instead read it for the glory they give God for His protection, guidance and safe keeping on their journey back from the brink.
Rex and Carolyn Johnson
Covenant Keepers Inc.
"I've heard many testimonies of marital redemptions over the years. Joe and Stephanie's is one of most dramatic. Moving from abuse and adultery to love and strong covenant is truly a miracle of God. I pray that reading this booklet will be a turning point for many couples facing similar situations. God does indeed raise the dead!"
R. Loren Sandford,
Senior pastor New Song Church and Ministries (Denver, Colorado), author, prophetic voice and conference speaker.
R. Loren Sandford,
Senior pastor New Song Church and Ministries (Denver, Colorado), author, prophetic voice and conference speaker.