Charles and Betty Blair
Blair Foundation We have known Joe and Stephanie for over 30 years, and highly recommend them to your church. Not only were they strong and dependable lay leaders and prayer partners, they helped build up the body by exercising their gifts in family-oriented ministry. We have witnessed, first-hand, the call of God on their lives, and believe that both their testimony and teaching will touch your couples, bringing renewed energy and vision to sound marriages, and healing and hope to troubled ones. Pastor Blair has gone to be with the Lord. |
Rev. Peter Vincent
Senior Pastor of The Christian Centre - Glasgow, Scotland UK Regional Superintending Apostle for West of Scotland Director of Overseas Missions for The Apostolic Church UK It is my great pleasure to recommend Joe and Stephanie as they represent Missionaries2Marriages. I do so whole heartedly and without reserve, based on my personal knowledge and experience of them, both in Church and in our home. Joe and Stephanie have a wealth of experience, insight and spiritual comprehension of the marriage covenant which is practical, real, substantial and in depth. Their ministry together is both thoroughly Biblical and dynamic. They share their experience and teaching frankly, with feeling, diplomacy, and with a strong prophetic edge. Their ministry produces an atmosphere of Godliness that makes it conducive for effective personal ministry to those who are in need. May God continue to use them, and the ministry of Missionaries2Marriages to restore strength and fruitfulness to the marriage covenant of many more people as they appropriate the principles of the gospels taught by Joe and Stephanie. |
Dr. Ron & Rev. Judy Burgio
Lead Pastors, Love Joy Church, Lancaster, NY Joe and Stephanie DeMott have a compelling testimony and a dynamic marriage healing ministry. We have known them for several years and know them to be faithful servants of the Lord and the church. They have ministered in our church and we encourage you to invite them to minister in your service or a special marriage conference. |
Craig Hill
Founder - Family Foundations International It is my great pleasure to recommend to you Joe and Stephanie DeMott as missionaries to marriages. Joe and Stephanie have a very dynamic and unique testimony of how God supernaturally restored their own marriage. Joe and Stephanie have a dynamic style of speaking and ministering together as a couple that will encourage and bless the marriages in any group. Jan and I have ministered together with Joe and Stephanie many times in the past and have always found them to be solid teachers of Bible-based truth regarding marriage as well as delightful and encouraging speakers. I highly recommend that you consider hosting a weekend marriage seminar with Joe and Stephanie or have them minister in your church. You and your congregation will be blessed. |
Loren & Beth Sandford
Lead Pastors - New Song Church and Ministries The Demotts bring a strong and solid message, based in biblical covenant love and commitment - something our culture is sorely missing. They are an inspiration to those needing victory to overcome marital obstacles and renew families. |
Dr Russ and Lana Frase
Founder of Joshua Nations Founder of Word & Spirit Int. I have known Joe & Stephanie DeMott for over 20 years. I highly recommend their burning zeal coupled with hard core experience to see marriage partners walking together into biblical covenant as one flesh experiencing forgiveness in all areas. Resurrected out of the ashes of adultery, physical abuse and near divorce Joe and Stephanie have helped restore and resurrect other marriages for 35 years. Their excellent training, materials and ministry is currently in 25 nations. Their manual Keys to Breakthrough-Victory in your marriage is a tool for healing and wholesome relationships and has been translated into 15 languages. They will be a great blessing to your church or organization! |